Car Insurance Tips to Ensure Coverage After a Sandstorm
In this article, we are going to analyze the planning of the insurance coverage you will need in case of a sandstorm. To start, keep in mind that sandstorms are extremely damaging to vehicles.
Car insurance helps provide financial coverage not only for your car but also for you, your family, and other passengers. You can choose the extent of your coverage and limits of protection and have coverage facing potential damage.
In general terms, an auto insurance policy can offer coverage for:
- Accidents.
- Liability.
- Medical expenses.
- Property.
- Vehicle damage.
In this article, we are going to analyze the planning of the insurance coverage you will need in case of a sandstorm. To start, keep in mind that sandstorms are extremely damaging to vehicles. According to Insurance Claim Hero, “it will instantly whether your car by 10 years.” As a result of exposure to this element, drivers often experience electrical and mechanical issues. Also, scratches on painted glass surfaces may appear. This damage involves repairs that are time-consuming and expensive.
This is the reason it is so important to rely on your Auto Insurance Coverage to cover your car against sandstorm damages. These natural meteorological phenomena are especially common in some areas of the United States, so it is important to know how to act when these events occur. Knowing what safety tips to follow can help ensure both you and your vehicle are prepared for this potentially harmful situation.
How Can Drivers Stay Safe in a Dust Storm?
According to Claims Journal, in July of this year, 7 people were killed in a 20-car pileup in Utah during a sandstorm. The accident occurred because of sand-induced vision impairment.
To avoid this unfortunate loss of life, prevention to ensure safety must be the first step when facing a dust storm. Sandstorms appear as thick walls of smoke that are thousands of feet high and miles wide. When driving head-on into one of these storms, they are easy to see. The best practice to follow when facing one is to start slowing down your vehicle and get off the road, if possible.
But what happens if a sandstorm comes in from the side and you do not see it approaching? In this situation, stopping for safety is much more difficult. The first and most important measure to take is to pull over and stop the vehicle. Trying to navigate in these low-visibility situations is dangerous and even sometimes deadly.
Here is a list of useful sandstorm safety tips for drivers to follow developed by ADOT, Arizona Department of Transportation:
- Check the traffic on either side of the vehicle, in front of it, and behind. If all is clear, start slowing down.
- Do not wait until it is difficult to see to pull off the road. As soon as you see dust or notice that it is getting harder to see what is in front of you, find a safe place to stop.
- Do not stop in the middle of the highway. If necessary, pulling off to the shoulder is ok, but it is always safer to get off the road completely.
- Put the vehicle in park and use the emergency brake.
- Do not leave your vehicle.
- Keep seatbelts on. If another driver does not see a stopped vehicle and hits it, being buckled in could save lives.
Arizona Emergency Information Network also indicates that dust storms typically pass within a few minutes and last up to an hour at most.
Now that you know what to do during this weather emergency, let’s review the steps to follow to assess harm to your vehicle to review your coverage.
Affected by a Dust Storm? Here’s How Insurance Can Help!
If damage is unavoidable, not all hope is lost. Car insurance will come to the rescue. To be prepared in case of a dust storm, make sure you have comprehensive coverage through your insurance provider. Repairs needed resulting from natural disasters will be covered by your policy and minimize your out-of-pocket costs.
Having an insurance policy in place is crucial. Anurag Rastogi, Chief Actuary and Chief Underwriting Officer at HDFC ERGO General Insurance remarks: “insurance provides individuals with a safety net, covering them against the financial losses incurred in case of any unforeseen events. In case of a natural calamity, like a dust storm, having certain insurance policies comes in handy.”
Because a sandstorm is a weather-related event, the cost of fixing damages that arise comes from a driver’s comprehensive policy. This is the reason there are two steps drivers need to take to receive full coverage:
- Call your insurance company to make a claim. Provide the date, time, and location of the storm.
- Get estimates for the cost of repairs at different repair shops, including the one your insurer suggests.
After you receive quotes to fix your vehicle, submit this information to your insurance provider for review and determination of how much money you will be paid from the claim. Once payment is received, repairs can start so you can get back on the road!
In conclusion, staying aware is the first step when it comes to protecting your car. A suggested best practice is to sign up for severe or extreme weather alerts. This can save not only thousands of dollars but also your life.