Police advise Motorists to keep Car Windows closed
An unusual car accident in Ohio leaves motorists concerned about insurance coverage and Cicada’s ability to cause damage.
A car accident in Cincinnati, Ohio, was caused by an unusual suspect, but one we have all heard mentioned in recent months. The Cicada. But how does a tiny insect, relative to the size of a vehicle at least, cause such damage? In this case, the motorist was driving with her windows down when the cicada flew into the car, hitting them in the face, causing them to drive off the road, crashing into a utility pole.
The victim only sustained minor injuries, but their vehicle was heavily damaged. Police are urging motorists to drive with their windows up for the time being to avoid another accident caused by such an unusual suspect.
Cases like this bring up questions about insurance and what does not have coverage under regular insurance policies. we are going to outline what motorists can expect from their auto liability insurance so when the unexpected becomes a reality, insurance is not a problem.
What’s the Big Confusion with car accidents & animals?
Many drivers do not understand their auto liability insurance policy. It is a common misunderstanding for drivers to believe that this policy is enough to cover both their car and any third-party property or vehicles they cause damage to. This example in Ohio shows that this is not the case.
Auto liability insurance only provides coverage for third parties that a driver causes damage to. According to State Farm Insurance, “If you’re responsible for an accident, your liability coverage won’t pay to repair your vehicle or for injuries that you sustained.” Instead, if a driver wants coverage to protect themself from damages, they will need collision coverage, comprehensive coverage, and medical payments coverage.
So, if the responsible party’s insurance coverage pays out, what about the case of the Cicada?
A Cicada does not have the insurance coverage to pay for the damages it caused. In this case, the driver will have to turn to their own insurance policies for coverage. If this driver were prepared, they would have Collision coverage to pay for repairs or replacement of their vehicle and medical payments coverage for any medical expenses they may face.
What happens to Insurance Coverage when animals are involved in accidents?
Every year there are numerous car accidents caused by animals. Animals, or insects, in this case, are unpredictable and sometimes, impossible to avoid. This is why some car insurance covers animal damage.
Knowing what damage to look for and how to deal with an insurance claim due to animal damage, can save you both time and money.
If you have purchased comprehensive coverage, your car insurance can potentially cover all animal-related car accidents. So, it is highly recommended in an accident to:
- Take photos for your car insurance agent. It is helpful for them to see the damage.
- Find out if the cost of the damage exceeds deductibles. Otherwise, you will be on the hook for the full cost of repairs.
- Filing a police report is always a good idea. Even when the “suspect” is an insect, letting the police know about your accident proves to your insurance company that it happened.
While cases like this are extremely uncommon, it is important to make sure insurance coverage is in place for the unexpected.
Keep learning about insurance and its uses by reading the SmartCompliance blog.