Free Guide: 9 Ways to Improve Certificate of Insurance Response Rates
Let’s face it: we are all receiving a huge number of emails every day. How many of your emails do you actually open, click or respond to? Probably not that many.
It’s not just you. Each time someone skims their email inbox, the question running through their mind is “To open, or not to open?”
And if that someone is your subcontractor/vendor/franchisee/tenant/suppler, etc. that you’re requesting a certificate of insurance from, the answer “not to open” can lead to hours of frustrating phone calls and emails to chase down the certificate.
Which leads us to the next challenge you’re probably experiencing – your insureds wondering, “To respond, or not to respond?”
And the answer to this question has the power to change your insured compliance percentage, potentially exposing your company to underinsured claims, costly litigation, and failed audits. So, naturally, you want the answer to be “respond” with the accurate certificate of insurance.
So, how do you get your insured recipients to open and respond to your COI request emails?
Download our Free Guide: 9 Ways to Improve Your Certificate of Insurance Response Rates to learn how to create and send effective COI request emails, so you can save time and remain protected.
This Guide Will Cover:
- How to create a COI request email that insureds want to respond to
- Strategies to improve your insured response rates with the right certificate
- The optimal day and time to send your COI request email
- A great example of a certificate of insurance request email
- And much more…
Access the 9 Ways to Improve COI Response Rates Guide at no cost today to guarantee your insureds are compliant and get peace of mind.